Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Thai Express Lane at Suvarnabhumi

If Taipei was chill, our arrival at Suvarnabhumi Airport in Bangkok was exponential chill!

First the context:

MAD were really tired. Now when I'm tired, MAD just help me go to sleep and, then, I'm cool. For MAD, it is not so simple. They can't just sleep. They need to take care of me.

And, when they got off the flight from Taipei, their tiredness really hit them.

At first, things were fine. My stroller arrived express style (infant travel privileges, and all that). Boom! There it was at the gate just minutes after we got inside the terminal.

The problem was, that some airline "do-gooder" had figured out how to fold the thing correctly, something that Dad had never thought needed to be done. Having never really learned to fold it, he now had no idea how to get the thing unfolded. He began what seemed like an endless search for an overly clever latch to pull or button to push so that this amazingly folded travel stroller would open.

Then, I realized I was sick of airports. I mean, I wanted to see Thailand. I didn't want to wait for Dad to get my stroller ready. I started to cry like crazy.

Things started to unravel quickly and there were a few tense moments: Some eye rolling and gasps of frustration almost ensued. Then, finally, Dad found the clever latch. Not exactly "bam," but the thing did finally open.

OK, that was close. I fell asleep in the stroller as we headed toward customs, and things were good.

But, just as the family was getting its composure back, a sea of people unfolded in front of us. I mean every tourist on the planet had landed in Bangkok with us. The place looked like the fall of Saigon. (How would I know that reference, you ask? Don't be so literal!)

So Mom was about to start tearing herself. I mean, who could blame her? She was about to spend two hours in line at customs with me. I mean, I'm adorable. But there's a limit to everyone's charm.

But, then, the really cool thing happened. And, this is the exponentially chill part:

See Mom's Thai. She hadn't realized it when her eyes were about to tear at the site of a potential two hour wait amongst a flood of flip-flops and Hawaiian shirts, but she doesn't have to wait with the tourists at customs in Bangkok.

This nice man in a uniform saw me and saw Mom looking overwhelmed. He confirmed that she was Thai and said with a nice smile, "come with me." (At least that's what I assume he said. I mean, I don't speak Thai yet. I don't speak anything yet!)

A gigantic smile and expression of relief appeared on Mom's face. That was really cool. It made me happy.

The man even let Dad come with us. Now, Dad's not Thai, but I guess he also got to use the Thai express lane on account of Mom and me.

Welcome to the family, Dad!

We were through customs in no time, and out of the airport like zap. Uncle Paulie met us out front. And, bam, I got to take my first ride through Bangkok traffic.

Where is Benjamin, you ask? Not stuck in some stuffy, cramp-my-style car seat. That's for sure. I'm riding free in the Land of Smiles!